Stems Player

What are stems?

Stems are a breakdown of a musical track into components corresponding to instruments or groups of instruments. Recent advances in AI have made it possible to unmix a master recording back into stems using musical source separation software such as Spleeter or Demucs. In Transitions DJ, we break the track into 4 stems for vocals, bass, melody, and drums.

What is Stem Visuals?

Stem Visuals is an AI-generated visualization invented for displaying stems in Transitions DJ. Our goal was to create a more compact and musically interpretable visualization over waveforms which are the standard way or presenting music in DJ apps. After processing the original track through musical source separation software to generate stems, we then post-process the stems with more AI to extract musical notes and beats.

What do the colors and lines in Stem Visuals represent?

Each color corresponds to one stem in Stem Visuals:
  • Vocals - green
  • Melody - orange
  • Bass - red
  • Drums - purple/blue

For pitched stems (bass, vocals, and melody) the relative line positions represent different frequencies or notes. The brightness of the lines represent volume. This representation makes it possible to see the melodic progression of each stem part.

Drums are rendered at the bottom of the visualization. Purple areas represent the kick drum and blue areas represent snare/hi-hats.
