Transitions DJ


Transitions DJ provides the ability to annotate the structure of your songs. Many styles of music including pop, rock, and hip-hop are broken into sections called phrases, such as the verse, chorus, and bridge. Phrase annotations are an excellent resource when choosing how to structure your mix, because good transitions typically follow a set of patterns based on phrasing. This section will describe how to create, download, and upload annotations for your music.

Creating Annotations

Annotations can be labeled directly in the waveform view. To label a section, select the audio in the waveform view you wish to label. Next, choose the label for the section using the Section Label combo box.

For convenience, Transitions DJ provides the forward and back section buttons to quickly label and move between sections. The forward and backward section buttons are the arrow button located in the toolbar. The forward and back section buttons will create new sections of 8 bars (32 beats) using the current Section Label combo box selection when advanced into unlabeled regions of audio.

Downloading Annotations

Transitions DJ has access to an online database of structural annotations for many songs. When you add a song to your library, Transitions DJ will automatically search the online database to find a matching annotation, and, if available, download it to your library. You should see a thumbnail representation of the annotation in the "Annotation" column of the song list.

If an annotation for your song could not be found, you can create your own annotation as described in Creating Annotations above. You may also wish to manually check for new annotations from time to time, as new songs are continually being added to the annotation database. To manually check for an annotation, right click on the song in the song list to bring up the context menu and choose Download Annotation.

Uploading Annotations

User-created annotations can be uploaded to the online database and shared with other DJs. After you annotate a song, right click on the song in song list and choose Upload Annotation from the context menu.